- july 21
◁ Consilii satis est in me mihi.
Metamorphoses 6.40
- july 19
◀ par curieuse leçon et meditation frequente, rompre l'os, et sucer la substantifique moelle
Old English piþa "central cylinder of the stems of plants," also, figuratively, "essential part, quintessence, condensed substance," from West Germanic *pithan- (source also of Middle Dutch pitte, Dutch pit, East Frisian pit), a Low German root of uncertain origin. Figurative sense of "energy, concentrated force, closeness and vigor of thought and style" is by 1520s. The pith helmet (1889, earlier pith hat, 1884) was so called because it is made from the dried pith of the Bengal spongewood
- july 17
◁ empedocles
From it [scil. the earth] blossomed many faces without necks,
Naked arms wandered about, bereft of shoulders,
And eyes roamed about alone, deprived of brows. (B 57 = D 157).
♥♥ | - july 15
◀ retentir bourdonner tinter... confusion
tinnĭo, infinitif : tinnīre, parfait : tinnīvi, supin : tinnītum \ˈtin.ni.oː\ intransitif (voir la conjugaison)
Tinter, rendre un son métallique, sonner, retentir.
Tinter, bourdonner (en parlant des oreilles).
Tinter, gazouiller.
tinter \tɛ̃.te\ transitif ou intransitif 1er groupe (voir la conjugaison)
Faire sonner lentement une cloche, en sorte que le battant ne frappe que d’un côté. [...]
tintamarre \tɛ̃.ta.ma http://xn--una05a.ta.maʁ\ masculin
Grand bruit discordant, ensemble peu harmonieux de sons.
Confusion bruyante pas forcément déplaisante à entendre.
Vive réaction d’un groupe, d’un public
- june 28
◁ ἀπομανθάνω
Protagoras 342δ
◀ "The sack needs grain." At this the Spartans answered, "You did not need to say 'sack.'"`
- june 27
◁ keats again
Silent entangler of a beauty’s tresses!
Most happy listener! when the morning blesses
Thee for enlivening all the cheerful eyes
That glance so brightly at the new sun-rise.
◀ keats
And bracelets too, and fragrant Zones —
- june 23
◁ WEB Du Bois, Black Reconstruction
Thus human slavery in the South pointed and led in two singularly contradictory and paradoxical directions -- toward the deliberate commercial breeding and sale of human labor for profit and toward the intermingling of black and white blood (ch. 1 The Black Worker)
- june 20
◀ surdus "dull, deaf, mute," which is possibly from an imitative PIE root meaning "to buzz, whisper" (see susurration).